Five significant trainings

Five significant trainings were held within the Twining Project “Support in strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions".

        * Training for personnel of the national competent authority on substances of human origin introduction to the EU legistation and management system in the field of health, core principles of bioethics and personal data protection 

On February 8 and 9, 2023, in the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade Lithuanian short-term experts Ilona Radvinauskiene, Neringa Viliunaite, Asta Cekanauskaite gave lectures on the introduction to the EU legislation and management system in the field of health, core principles of bioethics and personal data protection for the staff of the Directorate of Biomedicine of the Ministry of Health of Serbia.

The training aimed at strengthening The Directorate of Biomedicine’s personnel capacities and broadening their knowledge on adoption and implementation of EU standards in the SoHO field.

        * Training for personnel of the transfusion institutes / donor management training

On February 28, March 1 and 2, 2023 in the Palace of Serbia, Belgrade, Austrian expert Lars Eberhart of the Red Cross of Austria, and Dutch expert Wim de Kort, of the Sanguine Institute gave a three-day long training with the participants from all blood transfusion institutes in Serbia and the largest blood banks in the country. The training on donor management included a series of ex cathedra lectures, practical case studies, group work and reporting and brainstorming sessions that are aimed at improving the system of blood donation in the Republic of Serbia.

      *  Training for personnel of the Directorate of Biomedicine and transfusion institutes

From March 14 to 16 in the Palace of Serbia, short term experts Martin Smidt and Cindy Menzen from the Sanguine Institute of Netherlands held workshops and training for the staff of Directorate of Biomedicine and the staff of blood banks and blood transfusion institutes of the Ministry of Serbia on blood donor safety, management and recruitment.

       *  Workshop for donor coordinators

On March 30 and 31 a workshop for donor coordinators was held in the Palace of Serbia with lecturers with transplantation coordinators from the Lithuanian Kauno Clinic and Santaros Clinic Sarunas Judickas, Tomas Tamosuitis Mindaugas Serpitis. The two-day workshop was attended by donor coordinators and transplantation coordinators from all organ and tissue donation hospitals and transplantation centers in Serbia.

       *  Workshop on donor health and JCIE standards in blood transfusion institutes

From April 3 to 5, short-term experts from the Netherlands, Martin Smidt and Peter Van der Berg, formely of the Sanguine Institute held a workshop and a training course on donor health and introduction to and implementation of JCIE standards in blood transfusion institutes aimed at integrating these standards in the Serbian blood donation and transfusion system. Specialists in transfusion medicine from Hematology Clinics in Military Medical Academy, University Clinical Center of Serbia, University Clinical Center of Vojvodina, University Clinical Center of Nis, Institute for Mother and Child’s Health attended these sessions and expressed their concerns, positions and potential solutions for improvement of the system in furtherance of achieving the JCIE standards throughout the country.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09